Friends of the Cheat and the Cheat River would never be where it is today without the help of an army of civic-minded individuals.
Our dedicated volunteers assist FOC staff in routine water quality monitoring in the field, make Cheat Fest a reality, keep a finger on the pulse of stream health, and many more essential administrative functions.

Event Volunteering
Cheat River Festival, on the first weekend in May, offers plenty of opportunities to lend a hand. If you are able to volunteer on the day of or leading up to the event, please contact Cheat Fest Coordinator at
Field Work and Scientific Volunteering
What to know more about acid mine drainage and how FOC works to reduce its harmful impact on the Cheat River? From macroinvetebrate identification to water quality monitoring, we have a job for you! Contact Monitoring Technician Garrett Richardson at
CAPABLE Monitoring Program
Become part of a growing network of volunteers who monitor important streams in the Cheat watershed for natural and unnatural developmental impacts. Volunteers are trained to spot changes in water quality and equipped with the materials to measure parameters at assigned sites and healthy waterways. For more information including how to volunteer contact Madison Ball at
Specialized Skills or Services
Are you an expert in your field? Do you love to check data or geo-rectify satellite images and want to help FOC restore, preserve, and promote the outstanding natural qualities of the Cheat Watershed? Let us know!